The amenities guests want
Guests often filter Airbnb search results to find places with specific features and amenities. You can help your listing stand out by including everything your place offers.
Top amenities
These are the amenities guests search for most often.*
A pool
A kitchen
Free parking
A hot tub
Air conditioning or heating
A washer or dryer
Self check-in
TV or cable
A fireplace
It’s easy to add amenities in the Listings tab of your hosting account. Just go to Your space and Amenities, then tap the plus sign. Select Add next to any feature your home has. You can also Create a photo tour and add details by room, including amenities, privacy info, and sleeping arrangements.
Essential items
Guests expect your place to have these essentials for a comfortable stay:
Toilet paper
Hand and body soap
One towel per guest
One pillow per guest
Linens for each guest bed
Consider providing greater amounts for larger groups and longer stays. You can message your guests to ask what they need.
Guest safety
A few basic precautions can help reduce risks in your home.
We strongly urge all Hosts to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in spaces that use fuel-burning appliances. You may also want to offer a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit.
Accessibility features
Guests with accessibility needs often search for features like a step-free entrance, fixed grab bars in a bathroom, and accessible parking. Including these features in your listing helps guests know if your place is the right fit for them.
Remote workspaces
Guests who work remotely while they travel appreciate features and amenities like:
- Fast and reliable wifi
- A dedicated workspace
- Ergonomic support, such as a laptop stand
- Good lighting
- Office supplies, including pens, paper, and a universal charger
Kid- and pet-friendly features
Welcome more guests with children or pets by providing helpful items like:
- A high chair
- A travel crib
- Baby safety gates
- Furniture covers
- Bowls for pet food and water
- Towels to wipe off paws at the door
- Extra cleaning supplies
Be sure to showcase the changes you’ve made by updating your amenities, listing description, and photos. Adding just a few sought-after items can go a long way toward making guests feel more comfortable in your space—and could lead to great reviews.
Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.